The video marketing landscape is constantly changing. From new trends to tools and emerging platforms, you’ve got a lot to keep up with. Keep things simple by using some simple video tricks to increase your visibility, reach and chances of success.
Ask Questions
Just tossing in a simple question at the end of your videos can increase viewer interaction, replays and social media spreading. People love commenting and discussing topics, especially on the Internet. Use an interesting question to spark a conversation and gain some attention.
Respond with a video of your own to any particularly interesting or important answers you receive to increase viewer awareness and engagement.
Use Feedback
Checking customer feedback is an extensive process sometimes, but it’s well worth it. Don’t just use ratings to evaluate the health of your campaigns.
Look at actual comments left by users and take notes. If you see the same complaint repeated by different users, you probably need to tweak your content. Features that receive multiple compliments should become part of other campaigns.
Find Your Expert Star
Your video subject should be someone who is knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the video’s content topic. Don’t just settle for one aspect. You need both knowledge and enthusiasm to come across in your videos. Audition staff members and other people who are willing to go on camera for you, to find the best people for your video campaign.
People love how-to videos. They get to learn a new skill and save money at the same time. How-to videos are huge, especially on hosts such as Youtube.
Make solid instructional videos that relate to your brand to attract your target audience. A good how-to is usually inexpensive to make, as you don’t need professional quality video for a decent one. Just make sure the instructions are clear and easy to follow without insulting the intelligence of your viewers.
Narrow Your Field
Your videos don’t need to reach a global audience if you’re primarily interested in a local segment. Tailor keywords, video descriptions, titles, tags and any other identifiers you’re using on websites to specifically target the right people. For example, if you only offer services in Los Angeles, your search terms should relate to Los Angeles and not the entire state of California. Review your search terms to determine how relevant they are to your target audience and tweak as needed.